17 Jan Best HMO for Seniors Plan in the Philippines
The wellbeing of our parents should always come first in this day and age. To ensure that they have the resources necessary to pay for any unexpected medical demands, it is critical to obtain health insurance for them as soon as possible. With the best HMO for Seniors in the Philippines, that enables them to pick any physician or hospital they desire, Pacific Cross is the ideal health insurance plan for our aging parents.
The Pacific Cross package includes free annual blood tests, chest x-rays, urinalyses, fecalyses, and physical exams in addition to the freedom to select any physician or facility. Regularly performing these preventive exams will help identify any potential health problems before they worsen, and Pacific Cross can save you money while doing so.
Additionally, Pacific Cross provides a simple claims procedure. You can relax knowing that you always have 500,000 pesos in claimable cash available in case your parents require hospitalization thanks to Pacific Cross. Simply submit the required paperwork, and the reimbursement procedure will get started.
You may rest easy knowing that your parents are always taken care of and have the essential health insurance to cover any medical needs. With Pacific Cross, you may rest easy knowing that your elderly parents will always get care, wherever they may be.
At the end of the day, we should put our parents’ health first. You may be sure that they will be taken care of by Pacific Cross and that they have the required health insurance to meet any unexpected medical needs. You can rest easy knowing that you always have 500,000 pesos in claimable funds on hand for when your parents need to be hospitalized for as little as 49 pesos a day.
To get a quote and free consultation, simply fill out this form to get in touch!