About - Finance in a Minute
Dedicated to teaching Filipinos about financial literacy for a better tomorrow.
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About Us

Dedicated to teaching Filipinos about financial literacy for a better tomorrow.

My Biography

Johanna is a Licensed Financial Advisor who is passionate about educating Filipinos about financial protection. Licensed in all three lines, Mutual Funds, Life Insurance and Pre-Need Plans, she has been with Sun Life since July 1996
as a Certified Advisor for Life, Sun Life Family Business, and Wealth Advisor, and has helped over 1000 clients in a span of 25 years.

She is also licensed to sell non-life insurance, and licensed with Pacific Cross as Healthcare specialist since 2007.


To help Filipinos achieve their financial goals through sound money management. With focus on managing risk, growing their funds, protecting their income and for retirees, protecting their legacy.


To help as many Filipinos create a sustainable financial plan to ensure that they enjoy the fruits of their hard earned labor through all their life stages.


Years International Quality Awards Qualifier


Clients Served


Years as a Certified Financial Adviser


Years Sun Life Macaulay Club Member

Awards and Certifications

2019 – MDRT qualifying member

2020 – MDRT qualifying member

2021 – MDRT Court of the Table

2022 – MDRT qualifying member

2023 – MDRT qualifying member

2024 – MDRT qualifying member

mdrt agent philippines

Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT), The Premier Association of Financial Professionals®, is a global, independent association of more than 65,000 of the world’s leading life insurance and financial services professionals from more than 500 companies in 70 nations and territories.


MDRT members demonstrate exceptional professional knowledge, strict ethical conduct and outstanding client service. MDRT membership is recognized internationally as the standard of excellence in the life insurance and financial services business.

International Quality Award (IQA) recipient since 2010.


LIMRA is a worldwide research, consulting, and professional development not-for-profit trade association. Nearly 700 financial services companies in 53 countries rely on LIMRA’s research and educational solutions as the trusted source of industry knowledge to help them make bottom-line decisions with greater confidence.


IQA membership recognized as a mark of their professionalism, competence, and leadership in today’s insurance marketplace.